I consider myself very fortunate to have never been physically or sexually assaulted. It is scary to think of how many women are victims of assault. The truth is, everybody knows somebody who has been beaten, raped, or verbally abused. I cannot explain why I am one of the lucky ones...Many women who are assaulted are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
According to RAINN, (Rape, Abuse& Incest National Network), Assault is a crime of motive and opportunity. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to prevent an attack ("Ways to reduce," 2013). RAINN suggests the following strategies for reducing your risk of assault
1.) Avoid dangerous situations
2.) Trust your instincts
3.) Have a "safety plan." Know what to do if you or a friend is assaulted
4.) Watch out for your friends and vice versa
5.) When you go to a social gathering, go with a group of friends.
6.) Never take an open beverage from a stranger
Although many of these strategies seem like common sense, I will admit that I was unaware of one of them. Because I have never been assaulted, I do not have a "safety plan." It never occurred to me that I would need a plan of action to follow if I was to be assaulted. After some consideration, I formulated a safety plan that I will put into action if I (or one of my friends) were to be assaulted.
I encourage everyone who reads this post to share these strategies with every woman they care about.
Ways to reduce your risk of sexual assault. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.rainn.org/get-information/sexual-assault-prevention